Do’s and Don’ts of Heritage Renovations

24 Aug 2022

While renovating a heritage-listed home is hugely rewarding, for the inexperienced, navigating all the regulatory and design requirements for heritage and character building, can be overwhelming . The best way to avoid the unnecessary stress and risks of (accidental) non-compliance is to collaborate with experienced Heritage home builders in Perth. They will provide critical input on how you can preserve your home’s aesthetic appeal while adding modern elements to improve your quality of life.

Here at Addstyle Master Builders, we thought we’d share some insights we’ve learned about renovating a heritage-listed home in Perth. So please read on to discover our dos and don’ts of heritage renovations.

What is a heritage-listed home?

A heritage-listed home is determined to have historical significance for its location. Heritage listings work to preserve a building’s original look and design to keep the link to the past open. Heritage listing is decided after assessing historic and aesthetic values deemed worthy of preservation for future generations. There are different levels of heritage listing – you can check the inHerit State Government search to see if your property has a heritage listing.

It is important to note however, that a property may be subject to strict preservation and design restrictions even if it not formally heritage listed. Your home may be located in a protected heritage precinct, or subject to streetscape, material and design restrictions set by the local government body.

Here are our dos and don’ts of renovating a heritage-listed property


  • Check with your local council or heritage building expert: they will discuss any heritage restrictions on your home and give you a clear idea of what you can and can’t do.
  • Your research: having a better understanding of your home’s past will allow you to know what problems may arise when you commence work. A builder can help identify any worrying structural issues or hazardous construction materials.
  • Contact your local historical society or state heritage association: they often have old photos of your house in its original state.
  • Work with a professional heritage home design builder: working with a professional builder who has a comprehensive track record in heritage and character-building work should indicate that they are skilled at seamlessly blending old with new.
  • Preserve the details: the facade, entry details, ceiling roses, and fireplaces are features worth retaining. These details can reveal your home’s rich history.


  • Underestimate the project: talking with an experienced home renovation specialist builder should give you peace of mind. Heritage homes often hold secrets, and a builder who is proficient in heritage construction should have the experience to anticipate issues and the experience to overcome them.
  • DIY: so many well-intentioned homeowners underestimate the perils of working with older homes. They assume it was constructed using common modern methods and materials and then go on to unearth significant problems that are complicated and costly to fix.

Addstyle Master Builders, Perth’s heritage home renovation experts

Addstyle Master Builders is recognised as Perth’s heritage and character home renovation specialist. Over the last 33 years, the Addstyle team has delivered hundreds of heritage home renovations and is Perth’s most awarded heritage home renovation builder. We have won an unprecedented number of building industry awards including the prestigious Housing Industry Association Professional Renovation Builder of the Year four times.

Choose Addstyle Master Builders to create an incredible bespoke renovation or extension design for your heritage home in Perth. Contact us today.

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